Monday, May 19, 2008

Another end to a school year....

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been soooo long since the last post, but I find that time is not something I have in abundance. A lot has gone on the past few weeks, so I will try to give you the short version...

#1 Bella had tubes put in her ears and did beautifully. She didn't cry, was very brave and was the laugh of the hospital that morning. She agreed to breathe the gas, but not to go to sleep. She agreed to go with the nurse, but when they told her they were gonna put "stickers" on her to monitor her heart rate, she replied, " Thank you but I don't think I will have that." She came through fine and less than an hour after the surgery was asking for the milkshake we had promised her.

#2 My granddad passed away last week. While he will be missed, he lived a long life. We recently celebrated his 97th birthday with him. In this posting you will see pictures from his party. He lived a full life with 6 children and goodness knows how many grandchildren and great grand children. He worked in his yard up until the last month of his life. He has been a staple in the Keller family for many many people's lifetimes, and he will be missed.

#3 Cooper and Bella wind up their school year tomorrow. They have had a great year learning about letters, numbers, shapes, nursery rhymes, our heavenly Father and more. They truly love school and are already talking about how much they will miss their teachers.

Today is Don's birthday and we spent the evening relaxing in the backyard, grilling hamburgers and "trimming trees"....can't take the forester outta him. :)

We are looking forward to the summer, visiting friends at the beach....going to the zoo...swimming in the pool etc.

I will try to be better about posting more regularly, but until the next good.

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